Notification of Price Changes

After more than a decade of maintaining our current prices for the CON29DW products and underground asset plans, we will be implementing a price increase effective from 1st April 2025.

CON29DW Residential £53.00 +VAT
CON29DW Residential – Expedited £82.75 +VAT
CON29DW Commercial £140.00 +VAT
CON29DW Commercial – Expedited £169.75 +VAT
Bournemouth Water Asset Plan £10 +VAT
Bournemouth Water Asset Plan – Expedited £39.75 +VAT
South West Water Underground Asset Plan £20 +VAT
South West Water Underground Asset Plan – Expedited £49.75 +VAT

The additional fee for expedited orders is remaining at £29.75 +VAT

Please note that we are retiring the ‘CON29DW Commercial Standard’ and ‘CON29DW Commercial Premium’ reports on the 28th March 2025, merging them in to a single product called the ‘CON29DW Commercial’ which will continue to answer the Law Society’s CON29DW Commercial questions. Click here for more information.