Landmark Sitecheck Assess (10-15ha)

£295.20 (inc. VAT)
Sitecheck Assess is Landmark’s core commercial environmental risk report. It provides a contaminated land liability risk assessment under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act. Alongside this the report provides screens to indicate whether flood risk or energy & infrastructure projects could be an issue at the property. If identified, a report providing a risk assessment is recommended. The report also covers radon and potential environmental constraints.
▪ Contaminated land liability assessment backed by £10m PI
▪ Clear report conclusion of Passed or Further Action and a ‘Professional Opinion’ to copy into the report on title.
▪ Landmarks innovate and ever expanding ‘Risk Assessed Land Register’ dataset to provide more passes early on.
▪ Free re-review service
Other Considerations
▪ Flood Risk Screen: A risk screen of a suite of flood data to identify whether a FloodSolutions
Commercial Report should be ordered
▪ Radon: An assessment of whether Radon could be an issue in the location
▪ Energy & Infrastructure Screen: A screen of data included within the Argyll Energy & Infrastructure report to identify whether a report should be ordered
▪ Environmental Constraints information
Contaminated land liability assessment that meets the needs of the Law Society’s Contaminated Land Practice Note. Risk Screens of other environmental issues to identify whether other reports should be ordered.
When to use
A commercial transaction when only requiring a contaminated land liability assessment, where there is no planned development or change of use.
Other sizes of land covered by this product:
Landmark Sitecheck Assess up to 2 Hectares
Landmark Sitecheck Assess 2 - 5 Hectares
Landmark Sitecheck Assess 5 - 10 Hectares
Turnaround time:
Up to 5 working days